Otros Jaw Crushers




Jaw Crusher - Model I


classic line

Nº de pedido


  • Very fast, uniform pre-comminution
  • Extremely robust even for very hard materials
  • Max. feed size 60 mm – max. continuous throughput 140 kg/h
  • Adaptable crushing jaw kinematics for higher final fineness



    The compact pre-crusher

    The compact FRITSCH Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line is the ideal instrument for fast and effective pre-crushing of hard and very hard brittle materials - batchwise or continuous and even ferrous alloys are no problem for this instrument!
    Model I of the FRITSCH Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line is ideal for a maximum feed size of 60 mm and a maximum continuous throughput of up to 140 kg/h depending on material and gap adjustment.


    Powerful pre-crushing

    The powerful comminution of the sample takes place in the Jaw Crusher under high pressure between one fixed and one movable crushing jaw in an enclosed grinding chamber. The final fineness is easily set from the outside with the 10-stage adjustable gap between the crushing jaws. The ground sample automatically falls downward – into a drawer for batchwise comminution or via a chute into a larger collection container for continuous operation or directly into a FRITSCH Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 classic line for further comminution.

    • Extremely fast and easy cleaning
    • Crushing jaws removable with just two hand motions
    • Quickly and easily filled
    • Safe and dust-free operation
    • Plexiglas cover for optical observation of the grinding process
    • Final fineness 1-15 mm
    • Combinable with the PULVERISETTE 13 classic line

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    Perfect sample adaption

    The kinematics – in other words, the movement between the movable and fixed crushing jaws – of the FRITSCH Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line can be easily adapted to the breaking characteristics of the respective sample: Select the upward and downward movement of the movable crushing jaw relative to the fixed one in order to receive a sample in a narrow particle size range. For a fast comminution, please select the nearly circular motion.

  • Simplifying work

    Safe and dust-free
    The closed grinding chamber with intervention protection of all moving parts and ensures a safe and dust-free operation. An integrated connection makes it very simple to combine the instrument with a dust exhaust system for automatic removal of the fine dust arising during grinding. The dust exhaust system is also very useful when cleaning grinding parts.

    Easy to clean
    Due to the simple and quick releasing of the fixed crushing jaws the Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line with just two hand motions it is quickly and thoroughly cleaned and offers an effective protection against cross contamination of your samples.
    Also, the funnel is particularly accessible, quickly and easily filled even with larger sample quantities and easy to clean. Its design enables the crushed material to be automatically conveyed into the crushing chamber – blockages are practically impossible.

    Convenient gap adjustment
    The final fineness is easily set from the outside with the 10-stage adjustable gap width between the crushing jaws.


    Configure your Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line exactly to your specific application

    The crushing jaws and lateral support walls of the FRITSCH Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line are available in 6 different materials in order to avoid undesired contamination due to material abrasion. The standard version is equipped with fixed and movable crushing jaws and support walls of made of hardened steel. 
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    Pre- and fine crushing in a single step

    For fast, continuous pre- and fine-grinding particularly of large quantities of coarse material, the combination of the FRITSCH Jaw crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line and the FRITSCH Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 classic line is the ideal solution. Mounted together onto a rack and connected to each other by a chute, they automatically grind the material from a particle size of up to 60 mm to a final fineness of down to 100 μm – fast, easy and effective in a single step!
    Read details about the Combination of Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line and Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 classic line

  • Applications / Solutions

    • Trituración gruesa y fina del hormigón

      El hormigón es un material versátil cuyas propiedades pueden ajustarse de muy diversas maneras en función de su composición y de los aditivos específicos utilizados. Es importante controlar la composición para garantizar las propiedades de utilización deseadas y la calidad de la mezcla.

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    • Salt, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride

      A prerequisite for an efficient salt extraction and processing is the exact knowledge of the mineral compositions of in-situ evaporates, as well as their chemical composition and also of the accruing intermediate and final products during the manufacturing process.

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    • Tratamiento de pigmentos: Aislar la belleza natural

      Desde siempre la gente ha disfrutado del arte sostenible. Las partículas de pigmentos siempre han desempeñado un papel importante en este contexto. Los artes rupestres más antiguas, por ejemplo, siguen siendo impresionates hasta ahora. Uno de los especialistas más importantes en la producción de pigmentos históricos es el Dr. Kremer de Aichstetten. Los molinos de laboratorio FRITSH desempeñan allí un papel importante en el procesamiento de pigmentos.

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    • Hydrolytic Class of Glass

      Packaging in all variations is an indispensable part of today’s society. So it is implicit that almost every sold product is packaged. The materials from which the packaging is made are often viewed non-critical. But it is to be assumed that substances from packaging transfer into the wrapped product. Therefore an analysis of for example glass packaging is essential.

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Jessica Seifert
FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing
Industriestrasse 8
55743 Idar-Oberstein
Teléfono +49 67 84 70 0

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